Robust String to Double casting in Swift

In Swift, converting a String to a Double always returns an optional. This makes perfect sense, as non-numeric strings cannot be converted into a floating-point…
Read more →Software Engineer 👨💻 | Building apps for macOS 💻, iOS📱 & Linux 🐧 with Swift 🐦🔥
Hi, I’m Johannes, a software engineer with a passion for Swift, app development and data analysis. This blog serves as my personal notebook: software engineering, technology, programming and hands-on projects.
Follow along as I explore, build, and share my experiences.
In Swift, converting a String to a Double always returns an optional. This makes perfect sense, as non-numeric strings cannot be converted into a floating-point…
Read more →Implementation of ThingsBoard’s ReST client API – written in Swift: When developing IoT and IIoT solutions, having a reliable IoT platform is crucial. For both…
Read more →Master's Thesis Summary Research has shown that Remote Keyless Entry systems (RKEs) often lack the required security features. RKEs from popular and widely known car…
Read more →The ontology engineering process – Kinzig, Johannes (2017) Study related research project for the module “Current Topics in High Integrity Systems”. This scientific paper describes…
Read more →Algorithm for Generating Peer-to-Peer Overlay Graphs based on WebRTC Events von Harscher, C.; Schindler, M.; Kinzig, J. & Prof. Alekseev, S. (2016) Schindler, M.; von…
Read more →Benchmarking the LBPH Face Recognition Algorithm with OpenCV and Python – Kinzig, von Harscher (2016) For the study module “Advanced Real Time Systems” in my…
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